Thursday, July 14, 2016

Bumps on the Road to Philly

 Will He or Wont He?

As part of my Bernie delegate status I get to communicate with others of the same status. People are seriously disturbed that Bernie might endorse Hillary before the Convention. Don't do it they say. The Platform battles have been going on for a week or so in other places, like Orlando. Our plank to not bring up TPP (Trans Pacific Partnership) during Obama's lame duck administration fell on deaf ears. Even though Hillary says she is against it too, her delegates, or enough of them, voted it down.

Now it will be a Minority Report and maybe taken to the floor. Can we get the votes there? People are concerned about going against Obama's wishes. But he will be gone? He has so much else he has done to leave a lasting legacy in this Country. This is a bad deal for America, and probably for the world, in terms of environmental regulation (or lack thereof) and workers' rights. We can have fair trade agreements. Let's work for those.

Anyway, I am getting all my ducks in a row for the long trip east. Since I just had a birthday, my wonderful husband bought me a new Surface Pro. Now I just have to get it up and running and learn how to use it in time for the trip. Yesterday got a new carry on bag in bright orange on sale at Macy's only because of the color. The black one was twice as much!

  The Big Endorsement 


 Some of you all were surprised that Bernie actually endorsed Hillary.

Joint appearance in N.H. off the YV screen
Some people think he can still get the nomination. That is very unlikely; but there is work to do and so all of us delegates, spending our precious vacation money, money we could use to buy a new car, or put away for a rainy day, are still headed to the Democratic National Convention. There will be votes on Platform, Rules, and of course on the candidate. We are promised a roll call, so we get our vote. There will be workshops. I have signed up for Candidate Training. What I do. And Bernie is asking us to work for down ticket progressives and 50 state strategy. Keep the Political Revolution alive!

I am honored to be one of 1832 delegates chosen to represent Bernie in Philly.

News Flash! the Airport workers on strike! Will planes be able to land? will baggage be unloaded? More to come on the bumpy road to Philly! Stay tuned.

What to eat while stuck on the tarmac while an airport strike is on:

Trailmix, and lots of it. Hershey Bars; bottled water, but not too much; the toilets might be backed up.