Thursday, November 9, 2017

Election Day

Today is Election Day. You have voted or, more likely, not. They expect a low turnout as usual in an off or odd-year election, that is one with no major races on the ballot to stir emotions and partisan zeal. Races for Governor, Senator, Statewide offices. That's why the legislature in this state - California - decided to do away with them altogether and move all elections to even years.. There are only a few City council and special District elections today. I have one of them, in a small northern California town.

My candidate has never run for elective office before. But she has a long history of public service and community volunteerism, including positions on important local boards, the Parks and Recreation Commission and the Planning Commission. She will probably lose, because she is too qualified. We live in the era of the unqualified. Look at our so-called President, Commander in Chief, Leader of the Free World.

Just look at him and talk to me about qualifications to serve. And look at his cabinet. Or what's left of it; what's to come; they are dropping like flies, folding their wings and spiraling to earth; don't even need a swatter

What if he too spiraled out of the sky he imagines himself inhabiting; on top of; on top of his own world where he is the greatest.

He is the Muhammed Ali of his imagination, such as it is.

What if he tumbled like a giant baby with a diaper full of doo doo down the stairs, and oh oh, cracked his baby noggin on the cellar floor.
Oozing blood and bone and wads of putrid waste; we would dance in the streets, wouldn't we. We'd hold all night celebrations and drink ourselves silly with relief.

We'd hug our neighbors and their neighbors and the guy down the block, homeless and afraid; we'd take them all home and feed him like stray dogs rescued from the pound, that's how grateful we would be.

But I digress. It is now two days after the election. Alas, my candidate lost, she ran hard, two good mailers, that we did, and she walked a lot, but was just a little too shy and unwilling to ask for volunteers to help her walk and make calls. To schmooze at every event. And we needed to coach her better for endorsement interviews. She should have won based on her grasp of the issues and community service. One more mailer maybe? Phone calls for sure. And helpers. There were two incumbents and one associated with the incumbents. They won.

And that's hard to overcome. Without big issues, easily understood where you resonate with the voters and they don't.  Next time, as I always say. Next time.