3 Political Lawn Sign Philosophies that Work by Ben Donahower
If there is one part of political campaigns that you hear
differing opinions on, it’s campaign lawn signs. You can’t get around
the debate where one person proclaims “yard signs’ don’t vote” and
another is demanding yard signs in triplicate for every home.
How should your campaign handle signs? Well, it’s important
to put campaign signs in context with the rest of the campaign.
Determine where your campaign is going to excel and where you are going
to take shortcuts. Your campaign might be focused on direct mail and
radio while another campaign is heavy on canvassing and phone banks.
Likewise, figure out where yard signs will fit into this mix. There are a
number of methods that work.
Political Lawn Signs for Polling Places and Requests
The minimalist order means ordering enough signs for
polling places and for people who request them directly. Determining how
many signs to order is more art than science except for the number of
polling places. I’d consider ordering somewhere between ten and twenty
five signs per precinct depending upon the candidate.
Campaigns that have a strong field and direct mail campaign can successfully use this sign strategy.
Polling Places, Requests, and Strategic Locations
This builds upon the last strategy adding strategic
locations. Strategic locations are more often than not on private
property. They include people who just have a great location at a busy
intersection and also community and political leaders whose public
display of support will carry weight with other voters in the area.
Political Signs for Supporters
This is a big jump from the previous strategy, but this can
be incredibly effective. This is best for local campaigns. Here is a
case study. I’m using fake names. Bob Smith was part of the minority
party running for a local office. He was known in the community but
still opted for a strong use of yard signs. Essentially, if they were a
supporter he pushed hard for them to put a sign in their yard.
Other than yard signs his only expense in the campaign was
photocopying a homemade literature piece that he took door to door
accruing more supporters and putting signs on their lawn. He reached a
tipping point where there were so many signs in the community that
people knew who he was when he reached the door.
Despite being outnumbered by more than 4:1 by the majority party he won his election to local office.
Plan a Yard Sign Strategy
The moral of the story is to plan a strategy. Don’t
haphazardly order a handful only to decide later on that you should have
ordered thousands or vice versa. When you are planning out your TV,
radio, direct mail, and direct voter contact incorporate yard signs into
the planning process and choose a strategy that’s going to work best
for your campaign.
Ben Donahower is the founder of Campaign Trail Yard Signs,
which cuts through the campaign yard sign confusion. What do lawn signs
do well? When are they more trouble than they are worth? Just honest
answers, so that you order useful political yard signs in the quantity
your campaign needs. Ben is an authority on marketing for political
organizations and has worked on campaigns from borough council to
Follow Ben on Twitter @iapprovethismsg