In a surprise move, Texas Governor, and Presidential hopeful, Rick Perry turned himself in to the Travis County Sheriff's department on Tuesday, because "I just can't get a good campaign photo taken."
He then posed in suit and power tie, smiling and confident against a plain blue backdrop normally used to photograph hardened criminals after arrest.
"I chose this venue because I know these guys are pros," said Perry. Heck, they take pictures all day. I knew they woulkd capture my essence perfectly."
It was of only minor irritation to the Governor that he had to resort to getting himself indicted in order to avail himself of the services of the County Jail employees. In a clever move, he threatened to veto funding for pesky Travis County District Attorney, Rosemary Lemberg, who had been thorn in his side for years. In fact, just last year he cut off much of the funding for the
Public Integrity Unit, which is charged with investigating all sorts of fraud and abuse of the public trust. Perry's old buddy, former
House Majority leader Tom DeLay, was the subject of a corruption investigation in 2005, forcing him to resign his position.
"We finally got that lady dead to rights, drunker'n a skunk that fell into a vat of anti-freeze," said the Governor. Then he followed through with his veto pen to
"veto funding for the Travis County-based Public Integrity Unit."
Perry's indictment was for abuse of power, a charge he vehemently denies. "If anyone misused their power, it was that alkie DA. and her poking around into government affairs."
Perry neglected to mention that two other DA's had similar drunk diving offenses had been let off the hook, while Lemberg was de-funded.
“The key difference was that one of the DAs was investigating his
administration for corruption and the other two DAs weren’t,” said
Democratic strategist Jason Stanford,according to the
Dallas News.
"I never expected all this brou ha ha," said an exasperated Perry. "I only wanted a good picture." At that, he waved from the door of his private jet as he went off on a campaign jaunt amid cheering fans.