Friday, July 29, 2016

At the airport

Ok, TMI, but I am having a nice glass of wine by the window in some bar near my terminal.With a chicken sandwich.

Some random pictures from night two of the Convention will be coming. Everyone loved Joe Biden; everyone loved Michelle, everyone loved Obama and everyone loved Bill Clinton. Everyone loved the Rev. William Barber, an electrifying Civil Rights leader. Most everyone were pretty darned impressed with Hillary's speech, not screech, too.

However, we did not love having to sit or in my case, stand on the bus in the parking lot for an hour until all their motorcades left. All in all it was a very peaceful Convention. Lots of sad, angry Bernie people, but then I said that. I was sad, not angry. Why bother? Now we must get to work electing Hillary. The Donald already said he wants to "hit" last night's speakers. That's the bully who wants his finger on the button. who wants to build a wall, who wants to do all kinds of anti-humane things to us all. Be afraid people, be very afraid. Sorry, but it's true.

And a message from the past: "Don't mourn, organize!"

Our delegation of Bernie supporters with my favorite and most important sign

Leaving Philly

The Convention is over, the festivities done, the grieving, the work, the "healing" begins. not for all; many of the young diehard Bernie delegates are sad, angry, convinced the election was rigged, stolen from them, that Bernie should have won. that he did win, if only the votes had been counted.

In my suitcase are a bunch of signs from the floor, stronger together, love trumps hate, but no Hillary signs, because at some point they stopped giving them out to our section of rowdy Berners.  Up above us, in his "box" sat Bernie, looking a little down. His wife, Jane maintained a happy face and on the third night, they stood up and waved to us as we shouted "we love you Bernie" and "Thank you Bernie."

We do love Bernie, he energized a huuuge group of youth who had given up on the "system" and many of whom had their worst fears confirmed. They don't count. their votes don't count. and they will go to the Green Party or off the grid altogether. Bernie has asked them, begged them to stay involved, work on down ticket races, keep the political revolution alive. 

I hope enough of them heed him to do just that. We have to elect Hillary Clinton in November. The alternative is too awful. Today we leave Philly. I'm not getting to the Museum as I wanted to see the Duchamps exhibit, which is one of my favorites in the world. But that means I have to come back.

But first there is a gathering at City Hall for delegates; I'll stop by then catch the shuttle to the airport. Back to the real world of campaigning for the fall races locally. Back to work.
Bernie addressed the crowd the first night

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

In Philly: Dissent, revolution, disruption or?

Last night was an historic moment, one which the optimist in me wants to believe signals a move forward. After a long roll call vote of all fifty states, with Vermont passing until the end, and Hillary clearly having the numbers to secure the nomination,when Vermont came back up, Bernie rose to nominate Hillary by acclimation.  The disappointed and passed off Bernie delegates, or a large number of them, yelled out Nay! But again, clearly the ayes had it.

Some of them walked out in protest, headed for the media tent to continue the demonstration.  Where hear they were surrounded by the police.

While I join in the frustration, grief and even anger, I am a Democrat committed to making change from the inside,which w have done, with the CDP Progressive Caucus, our California platform and trying to elect progressive officials in and out of the Party.

All this reminds me of 1968 and the Democratic Convention and its aftermath.  Those who were "clean for Gene(McCarthy)," something I found personally insulting,implying that we really were dirty hippies, plus all us radicals were not going to accept Hubert Humphrey. I wasn't old enough to vote, you had to be 21 in those days, but we marched and yelled "Dump the Hump" and called Humphrey and Nixon "Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dee". We really did believe the revolution would come, before we were 30 (remember "Don't trust anyone over 30?") and we also wanted to heighten the contradictions.

Well we did that, and got Nixon and a lot of us left the movement in frustration, back to the land or whoever.  Others stayed, like me, and joined the women's movement and other outlets.

I don't know if there were any inside baseball deals made with Humphrey, but I kind of doubt it.  Anyway,  he lost.

Off to DFA training. Where people are still touchy.  More to come.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Day Three in Philly

Woke up groggy after it a bad sleep but after a very emotional day on the convention floor, one that left me wired at 1 AM.

Like herding cats, only more so, the Bernie delegation was all over the proverbial map. Some smuggled in NO TPP signs, referring to the Trans Pacific Partnership that both candidates disavow at least in the this form, but the Hillary delegates allowed to go through in the platform, because the did not want to disrespect Obama who is on a fast track with it.  It would allow rules pushed by international corporate interests to override environmental rules and workers rights here and elsewhere.

It has become Bernie's rallying cry to keep it from coming up in the lame duck session. Hillary has said she would reform it at least.

We heard Bernie in the afternoon in a private (sort of, nothing. Is private when announced on the inter webs, folks) gathering. He gave mostly his stump speech, ending that we must support Hillary now, for the sake the of the future. Donald Trump is too dangerous.

He was booed by some of his own people, even. On the floor, where he was the last speaker, just after Paul Simon singing Bridge over Troubled Waters, which gave me chills like nothing else, who felt he was "selling them out."  Not all I hasten to add. Disappointed as many were, they accepted it. We have to stop Trump. That is job one.

The rest will never be involved in Party politics. Many feel he should have talked to us differently. Someone on Facebook said words to the effect he talked down to us.

But of course. It wasn't just us, it was the press, and anyone else listening in. Was he pressured by the DNC to fall in line? What could they threaten him with?  No, I believe him sincerely. It was a bittersweet moment when he took the stage, to rousing applause and cheers.  Extended applause and cheers,that continued throughout.

And tears. The sadness of saying goodbye to a years long endeavor.  He did do a lot to energize youth, brought up issues no one else was, made the a platform the best it's ever even.  We did that.  He did that.

Now we must go forward, elect 100 progressive new legislators. The Political Revolution continues!

More to come of course.

Monday, July 25, 2016

Back on the Road to Philly

The day before the plane leaves, I run around looking for essentials, like contact lens solution in small bottle. None exists. I set my answering machine. I make lists.

Then I watch the Rules Committee meeting now happening. As you may guess, Bernie people are not happy with Tim Kaine. Chris Matthews (I think it was Chris) said, "the best thing you can say about him is he's the most liberal governor Virginia ever had." Faint praise?

There are not enough chairs in the Rules Committee meeting room. Will they get more? Bigger room. Barney Frank, no fan of Bernie, is convening it, I believe. All this I know from Facebook. Maybe I'll just stay here and watch it all unfold on my computer.

Bernie may let us all go tomorrow. He may call on us to join Party unity.  While fighting for issues, no fracking, no TPP at least not fast track. And as he has said, campaign finance reform

For the first time I think I should have taken the red eye, just like when I was in my twenties and we all went standby, lots comraderie in lines at midnight.

We must stop Trump. He is Hitler reincarnated, I believe that. That is job one.

It is the only way to save Mother Earth,and her children. Onward to Philly..

First day of Convention.  Last night we all heard and saw on CNN, that Wasserman-Schultz was out, but still convening the Convention.  At breakfast, chants of "Bernie! Bernie! Bernie!" filled the room, and when Secretary of. state Alex Padilla spoke, chants of "Count our votes!"  A bunch of not happy people saying we told you so, in the aftermath of the Wikileaks. Revelation of DNC emails showing disparagement of Bernie and what many seas the foreordained coronation of Hillary.

One Bernie delegate from our District says, "tell people not boo, because that's all the press will pick up on." Probably true.

Unfortunately cat is out of the bag, horse is out of the barn. More Wikileaks say big donors promised to appointments.  DWS To be top Clinton advisor.  No matter people are pissed. Here we are eating our own again. Or being eaten.  No one wants to be on the dinner plate.  Stay tuned.

Off to Medicare for all rally, Bernie delegate meeting.

Back on the Road to Philly

The day before the plane leaves, I run around looking for essentials, like contact lens solution in small bottle. None exists. I set my answering machine. I make lists.

Then I watch the Rules Committee meeting now happening. As you may guess, Bernie people are not happy with Tim Kaine. Chris Matthews (I think it was Chris) said, "the best thing you can say about him is he's the most liberal governor Virginia ever had." Faint praise?

There are not enough chairs in the Rules Committee meeting room. Will they get more? Bigger room. Barney Frank, no fan of Bernie, is convening it, I believe. All this I know from Facebook. Maybe I'll just stay here and watch it all unfold on my computer.

Bernie may let us all go tomorrow. He may call on us to join Party unity.  While fighting for issues, no fracking, no TPP at least not fast track. And as he has said, campaign finance reform

For the first time I think I should have taken the red eye, just like when I was in my twenties and we all went standby, lots comraderie in lines at midnight.

We must stop Trump. He is Hitler reincarnated, I believe that. That is job one.

It is the only way to save Mother Earth,and her children. Onward to Philly..

First day of Convention.  Last night we all heard and saw on CNN, that Wasserman-Schultz was out, but still convening the Convention.  At breakfast, chants of "Bernie! Bernie! Bernie!" filled the room, and when Secretary of. state Alex Padilla spoke, chants of "Count our votes!"  A bunch of not happy people saying we told you so, in the aftermath of the Wikileaks. Revelation of DNC emails showing disparagement of Bernie and what many seas the foreordained coronation of Hillary.

One Bernie delegate from our District says, tell people not boo, because that's all the press will pick up on.  Probably true.

Unfortunately cat is out of the bag,horse is out of the barn. More Wikileaks say big donors promised to appointments.  DWS To be top Clinton advisor.  No matter people are pissed. Here we are eating our own again. Or being eaten.  No one wants to be on the dinner plate.  Stay tuned.

This device will not let me access pics off its own camera, so will be working on that. Off to Medicare for all rally, Bernie delegate meeting.