Monday, July 25, 2016

Back on the Road to Philly

The day before the plane leaves, I run around looking for essentials, like contact lens solution in small bottle. None exists. I set my answering machine. I make lists.

Then I watch the Rules Committee meeting now happening. As you may guess, Bernie people are not happy with Tim Kaine. Chris Matthews (I think it was Chris) said, "the best thing you can say about him is he's the most liberal governor Virginia ever had." Faint praise?

There are not enough chairs in the Rules Committee meeting room. Will they get more? Bigger room. Barney Frank, no fan of Bernie, is convening it, I believe. All this I know from Facebook. Maybe I'll just stay here and watch it all unfold on my computer.

Bernie may let us all go tomorrow. He may call on us to join Party unity.  While fighting for issues, no fracking, no TPP at least not fast track. And as he has said, campaign finance reform

For the first time I think I should have taken the red eye, just like when I was in my twenties and we all went standby, lots comraderie in lines at midnight.

We must stop Trump. He is Hitler reincarnated, I believe that. That is job one.

It is the only way to save Mother Earth,and her children. Onward to Philly..

First day of Convention.  Last night we all heard and saw on CNN, that Wasserman-Schultz was out, but still convening the Convention.  At breakfast, chants of "Bernie! Bernie! Bernie!" filled the room, and when Secretary of. state Alex Padilla spoke, chants of "Count our votes!"  A bunch of not happy people saying we told you so, in the aftermath of the Wikileaks. Revelation of DNC emails showing disparagement of Bernie and what many seas the foreordained coronation of Hillary.

One Bernie delegate from our District says, "tell people not boo, because that's all the press will pick up on." Probably true.

Unfortunately cat is out of the bag, horse is out of the barn. More Wikileaks say big donors promised to appointments.  DWS To be top Clinton advisor.  No matter people are pissed. Here we are eating our own again. Or being eaten.  No one wants to be on the dinner plate.  Stay tuned.

Off to Medicare for all rally, Bernie delegate meeting.

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