It's great to see the number of 16 and 17 year olds who are pre-registering to vote. See this LA Times story of April 6.
After the Parkland shootings, the #metoo movement and an accumulation of startling evnts in the recent past, teens and other millennials are coming out in record numbers to protest, speak out and register to vote.This is all great. It reminds me of my own youth when we stood up against the Vietnam War and for civil rights. Many of us did not vote however, not only because we had to be 21 to even register in that time, but because we didn't think it would make a difference.
Today's youth seem to understand tat it will, but only if large numbers of them follow through and actually vote when they turn 18. It will be interesting to see if they follow through, especially as so many will be off at college when election day rolls around, and either have to vote by mail at the address they registered at, usually their parents, or re-register and vote at the address they are currently at.
The best way to make sure this follow-though happens is, in my opinion, a peer system. Young people encouraging and reminding others to vote. To keep their registration current and to keep up with the elections they can vote in.
Do it in groups. Make it a social event. Have debate watching parties in the dorms or local hang outs. Go to the polls together. Car pool. Volunteer to work for a candidate of your choice (and maybe even get credit for it), or help on election day.
Registering is one thing, staying involved is another, and actually casting that all-important ballot is what really matters the most in the end. Every vote counts. Make sure yours is among them.
What to eat when getting ready to register your friends to vote: from the Millennial Cookbook.
Cheesy chicken. You take a chicken breast, saute in some olive oil, maybe with some onion bits and garlic, turn it over, add a can of mushroom soup, or if you are feeling industrious, make some white sauce and then put in sliced mushrooms, then add a bunch of the cheese of your choice and don't let that sucker burn. turn frequently, make some rice, I like white basmati, it's tasty and fast, steam some veggies if you like, and dinner is served.