Monday, April 15, 2013

Campaign Slut at the Convention

The Campaign Slut and her associates are trolling for candidates at the California Democratic State Convention in Sacramento.  We are talking up our many stellar services. Yes, we are the professionals you want to hire if you want to run a winning campaign.
Campaign Slut, aka, me, second from left with my team and close personal campaign buddies

News is that news is bad for women candidates. See the blog post before this.  See Obama's need to apologize to Attorney General Kamala Harris for calling her good looking. Look good? That's bad. Not looking so hot?  You're a loser. Can't win. But yes you can. Make your own news.  We've done it; we get results.  But it takes some doing and some working it.

For now, we are working the rooms, the bars, the parties (there's Mr. Speaker in the corner with entourage, greeting the guests). A very cool black woman in dreads catches my eye. She is Assembly member Holly Mitchell and I can tell you, this gal is NOT going to let the press or the big boys push her around.
                                   Assemblymember Holly Mitchell with Insurance Commissioner Dave Jones

We meet some young women who are going places. No one will call them "hon" and get away with it.

Those are the chicks for us!  Richard is off dancing up a storm with the drag queens late into the evening.  We are stomping the halls of power.  We are prepared and we will win.  Do not mess with the Campaign Slut.

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