Monday, June 30, 2014

The right to worship the almighty dollar is now inalienable

Well, they've done it again; chalk another one up for the corporations. Today SCOTUS said that corporations, since they are people, have the right to their religious freedom, just like you and me. In light of the Citizen United ruling finding that money is speech, this was the next logical step.

You can't deny someone their right to worship in the way and to the god of their choice. In the case of corporations, this means that if the almighty dollar is your god, genuflect away. No one can take that away from you. Certainly not your employees who want to exercise their Constitutional right to privacy and equal protection or association or all those other pesky rights. No, if you have the right to hire and fire, you have the right to dictate, that is to exercise, your religion. Never mind that the employee's religion may differ from yours in some small way, such that their religion allows them the right not to have children if they don't want to and to use the contraception of their choice.

Choice!? Bah, humbug. Profits come before choice. You don't let them choose their own hours or their own pay, do you?
No, so why let them choose their own method of family planning? You're in business to make money, not coddle employees, not give in to the socialist demands of the government. So why should you have to use your hard earned profits, the profits earned for you by those same employees, to pay for their medical mistakes? Your god, the almighty dollar says so. And now, so does the U.S. Supreme Court.

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