Monday, May 8, 2023

Dianne Feinstein, Is It About Her Age?

We all know Senator Dianne Feinstein (or Di Fi as we in the know call her) is in her late eighties. Speculation swirls about a cognitive decline. Calls for her to resign are loud and come from many in her own, our own Democratic Party. Should she quit, when she just has a year to go? That's the question.

In her case, I don't think it's all about the age, but it may be factors like cognitive decline if that's true. However, many older people, including Senators, have lived well into their 90's serving and being productive and creative members of whatever group they belonged to. My friends Howard, Eugenia, Edith all died in their mid 90's, still feeling well, creating art and publishing poetry, with some physical issues, but sharp as they ever were, ready for fun, work or whatever was called for. I still have lunches with wine with my beautiful 96 year old poet friend Treva.

But in this case, missing her work on the Judicial Committee for so long means delaying appointments of judges while we still can. No one knows what the next election will bring. Also, crucially, delaying key subpoenas in the Trump investigation, which will not happen if the Reps get their hands on the Senate or the Presidency.

So in her case, I don't think it's all about the age. Ageism is a thing affecting all of us, every single one. As we age, we enter the time of being discriminated against, even if we are not in any of the other protected groups. It's why women dye their hair, not vanity. Time to celebrate age and hire for age, not in spite of it, as long as the person is sharp, hard working and willing. Studies show our brains grow the more we use them.

Some people, alas, have problems. Is Di Fi one? I'm not sure. But if she resigns, it's prime time for Newsom to appoint a Black woman to that spot. It should be Barbara Lee. Will he do it? Stay tuned.

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