Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Women in Politics - Running to Win!

Listen up! On Saturday June 15, there is a fabulous event in Santa Rosa California. It's the Women's Power Strategy Conference, the brainchild of activist Patricia Volonakis Davis 

There will be a ton of dynamic women talking on many subjects from smashing the glass ceiling to being your personal best; power tips from successful women. It's all in aid of helping girls achieve their dreams.

My part of the day is a short but I hope convincing talk on running for public office. It is heartening to see that after 4 years of stagnation, women hold slightly more seats in Congress than in 2008, that is 18.3% compared with 16.5% in 2008 (the intervening years saw 16.8%), but that is still unacceptable, especially when compared to a lot of the rest of the world. In 2012, the U.S. was tied for the 78th place in overall numbers of women in office int he world. That's 78 out of 143 places! (We were tied with Turkmenistan, by the way. Rwanda was no. 1 with 56.3%. I know...but true)

So, what can we do about it? Get informed. Get involved. Join me June 15, at 2:40 PM to learn how you can run and win! Meet other engaged active women. Have fun.

Check out some of these resources on line. When women run, women win!

Spreadsheet on women in world politics

Political Institute for Women  

She Should Run

Pink Politics (I know, not the best name, but lots of good info)

Close the Gap Ca. (international)

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